Give New Brunswick women a fighting chance against breast cancer!

New Brunswick’s breast screening program needs two improvements to save lives:

  1. Allow women in their 40s to self-refer for a breast screening mammogram like they can in PEI, NS, BC and Yukon
  2. Offer women with dense breasts supplemental screening such as ultrasound

“I had to beg and actually cry to be given a referral for a mammogram at 40.”

Liz tait, rothesay, nb

Help make these changes happen!

Demand action from Premier Blaine Higgs and Health Minister Bruce Fitch! Let our elected officials know that women in their 40s are not expendable. They should not have to beg for appropriate healthcare. Access to screening should not depend on a woman’s postal code. Women who have dense breasts should have access to appropriate screening.

New Brunswick must give all women the best chance possible to find breast cancer early!

Premier Blaine Higgs and Health Minister Bruce Fitch: #TellMe you can make these changes to help give women a fighting chance against breast cancer!

Email Premier Blaine Higgs at:

Email Health Minister Bruce Fitch at:

Got a story to share about NB breast cancer screening?

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.

Margaret mead